Following on from yesterdays post about the Apple iPod Virus Incident, is some feedback from bloggers at CNet. Is it just me, or are these guys totally missing the point?

The text from Apple's website is this: (Emphasis mine)

We recently discovered that a small number - less than 1% - of the Video iPods available for purchase after September 12, 2006, left our contract manufacturer carrying the Windows RavMonE.exe virus. This known virus affects only Windows computers, and up to date anti-virus software which is included with most Windows computers should detect and remove it. So far we have seen less than 25 reports concerning this problem. The iPod nano, iPod shuffle and Mac OS X are not affected, and all Video iPods now shipping are virus free. As you might imagine, we are upset at Windows for not being more hardy against such viruses, and even more upset with ourselves for not catching it.

I keep re-reading this, and it doesn't seem like they're trying to 'blame' Microsoft so much for having an Operating System which is vulnerable to virus attacks - instead, I think its more of a tongue-in-cheek poke at their competition.

Background: Windows is plagued by vulnerabilities and virus attacks, whereas Apple computers have never had a widespread attack - the kind which seems to hit the news every week regarding Windows.

So, are bloggers being too literal? Too up-in-arms about this?

This seems to be a trend, especially when I read CNET 'talkback' posts. People getting very vocal about whatever issue it is, and often missing the subtle humour involved in the topic.