Brendon wrote a good blog today yesterday about customer service and getting what he expected. Its a valid point - we seem to expect to receive bad customer service these days.
I guess I expect a certain degree of agony when I deal with a large company too, although I do still expect to be looked after. Well, someone has recently 'exceeded' my expectations!
I was involved in a Bulk Buy recently, through an established player, to get some new hard drives for my computer. Well, the deal has gone bad. To get in on this deal, you had to complete your order and payment by October 6. Which I did.
On October 9, the organiser says "You can expect delivery in 7-10 working days from today."
Yeaaah. The latest forum discussion and news indicates it could be as far away as early December before we receive the drives. Funny, since the deal was organised through Dell, one would think you could at least rely on a rapid delivery.