I've been battling for a while now with a certain bug on a certain site. I don't see this bug anywhere else, and I wasn't able to figure out what the issue was. I eventually (trial and error) narrowed it down to some javascript. If I removed the script, the site worked. (Minus the scripted functionality of course). If I kept it in, this happened:

Operation Aborted - IE and javascript

I found a few articles discussing this issue, and linking back to Eoghan O'Brien. His fix (defer="defer" on the javascript) didn't help me though.

My issue was with SWFobject. Long story short, I ended up having to do this:

<script type="text/javascript">
window.addEvent('load', function()  {
    var so = new  SWFObject('flvplayer.swf','mpl','240','200','7');

Instead of doing <script src="#" defer="defer"> I was able to defer the EXECUTION of the script instead, by adding it to the onLoad event sequence.

Still don't know why it works, but now my page opens in Internet Explorer (IE6 and IE7, also Avant Browser)