I just got off the phone with a nice Indian-sounding gentleman named Kevin, who was trying to convince me to change my electricity supplier to his company. He was trying to point out how much my bill has increased in the last few months, and what a great deal he could give me.
But I missed every third word. I’m not great with accents to begin with, and the amount of static in the line was not helping. Then the line cut out for 5 seconds. We tried to continue, and the line cut out again. So I hung up.
Kevin called back, and I explained that I’m not going to trust my electricity needs to a company that can’t make a phone call. I’ve since googled the company, and couldn’t find any mention of it. Also not sure how they obtained a list of customers belonging to a competitor (my current provider), or how they got my billing history. I’m certainly not impressed.
If you outsource your calls, do you know how well your company being represented?