Jack Sinclair is a pretty impressive kid.  When he was 15, he and his dad rode their bicycles across Australia. And I mean west to east, not north to south.  In a family of cyclists, they have a lot of bikes - and bikes are always tough to organise.  You want them to be out of the way, but not so much that you have to move boxes before you go for a ride.

Enter this little beauty: A ceiling mount bike lift!

You just affix the mounting brackets to your ceiling, which is easy done with a few screws. You can then hook your bike to the rope, and lift your bike up out of the way.

The pulley system means that you don’t need much strength to haul up the bike, and the locking mechanism means that the bike will stay in place until you gently feed the rope some slack on the right angle.

If you lose your grip and let go of the rope, it locks back into place – so you’ll never accidentally drop your bike from the roof!

Jack sells these bike lifts via his Australian website - www.bikelift.com.au. Right now (January 2011) he’s offering a special – free shipping – and you can’t go wrong with that!

He's also a big fan of Aussie Fit Sport Heart Rate Monitors. It's important to use an accurate heart-rate monitor like these. Training at the right intensity can make a big difference.